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Délai de traitement : Toutes les commandes sont traitées avec rapidité et dévouement. Nous nous efforçons d'expédier les commandes le plus rapidement possible. Les commandes sont traitées et expédiées dans les 24 à 48 heures pendant les jours ouvrables.
Délai de livraison : Les commandes expédiées aux États-Unis sont généralement livrées dans un délai de 2 à 5 jours ouvrables, mais peuvent prendre jusqu'à 10 jours ouvrables dans de rares cas.
Veuillez noter que certains produits ne sont pas accompagnés d'une vidéo d'installation car ils ne nécessitent pas ou peu d'installation. Cependant, si vous avez des questions concernant l'installation, veuillez nous contacter par chat en direct ou par e-mail et nous répondrons avec plaisir à toutes vos questions concernant l'installation.
Arrived as per the tracking details. Need to supply instructions with regards the plastic pieces under the cover to which I am still unsure what to do with them. Other than that it’s a great addition to my pet’s journey and keeps the car nice and clean. Thanks BYD
Fits perfectly. Even comes with the seat belt straps
Adatto alla mia Seal U DMI, contiene le cinghie necessarie al fissaggio ai poggiatesta, leggermente imbottito, il telo è munito di cerniere per le parti a protezione delle portiere e di aperture a velcro per l'aggancio della cintura di sicurezza al cane. la parte inferiore è gommata antiscivolo e protegge bene i sedili in pelle. In posizione retro guidatore ha 2 tasche per inserire degli oggetti comodi all'uso.
This mat/hammock for dogs is one of the best products I have bought in a while, and it works exactly as advertised.
But do be aware that most BYD cars have sports seats and not the regular car seats shown in the images, so it might be a bit finicky to attach
I bought this so that I could put my golf bag in without having to keep dropping the back seats.
Installation was straightforward, but I gave up trying to work out what the split disks were for, but as I'm not using it for a dog I don't need to worry about the cover moving about.
Great product at a great price!