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Veuillez noter que certains produits ne sont pas accompagnés d'une vidéo d'installation car ils ne nécessitent pas ou peu d'installation. Cependant, si vous avez des questions concernant l'installation, veuillez nous contacter par chat en direct ou par e-mail et nous répondrons avec plaisir à toutes vos questions concernant l'installation.
This is the kind of sunshade with a springwire frame, so opening it is easy. It takes learning how to rotate your hands when closing it for storage to make the wires become fabric-laden circles to make it fit in the storage bag. It had a bit of a chemical odor when first opened, but an hour outside eliminated the odor from the product. It is a worthwhile purchase for areas with intense sunlight.
Ticks all the boxes. The little bag it came in is already falling apart but the visor itself is fine.
It's great when something is better than expected and still great value.
I have been using a more traditional bubble style sun shield, and although some reviews were not that convincing, i went ahead and ordered this. My main desire was to have something that fits the Seal's screen dimensions better. This is exactly that, but the only miss is the area for the mirror mounting. There is a split for the option to go around the mirror and velcro together securely. I don't think it was actually needed. Because the shade has 2 twisty rings to form panel, and the middle is flexible enough to accommodate the mirrors post.
Noticeably cooler inside the cabin of my black Seal in Australian sun now.
Good product, as described.
Works well so far