Easy to Fit
Works very smoothly
Installation facile! Taraudage avec des bavure dedans. Faire passer les vis plusieurs fois avant ! La rotule est dur un petit coups de W40 avant montage et ça roule.
perds 1 etoile
Nice quality .. good packaging
Just fitted to my '24 RHD Seal, and it really interferes with the wiper stalk. Fortunately I rarely rotate the screen, so not a big deal. Also worth mentioning that the "dust" boot doesn't expand well enough to stop dust ingress.
Being able to move screen away from sun glare is awesome. Overall happy.
This mod is perfect for the driver. I only had a hard time with prying the top cover, and one of the screw to remove the screen is so tight with very little room to work with. Took me almost an hour but it was worth it. All the tools you need are in the package and instructions are in their YouTube channel.